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 My muscles were sore this morning. Like I hit the gym yesterday. I assure you that I did not. I was able to rotate between sitting, standing and laying down while I worked. I was able to sustain sitting and standing longer than yesterday. I am pretty sure my muscles are so confused. They had settled into their Bon Bon eating, tv watching life. Every so often I would change positions or I would take a couple laps around the house.

Paul made it home last night. I had lots of jobs for him to do. I had a productive day at work.  After work, Paul and I chatted and had a drink while we watched TV. We giggled at the dogs being silly. We then finished the night watching an old episode of Top Gear. I like the older ones because I think Jeremy Clarkson is pretty entertaining. He does make me chuckle at some of his one liners.

Every day I am making progress. Woo hoo!

I had to tell Ethan he needs to get his bloodwork done again. He immediately responded “No, I am not doing it.” So I will keep reminding him and hope he actually does it. We will see. He will end up going, I will have to nag him a bit to go. We go through this each time he has to go to the lab. We will get there.

The bright side: I did well today with my steps. No bad for day 8 after surgery.
