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I woke up this morning and Paul had already left to go snowmobiling. I checked the cameras and he had let the dogs out. I decided to stay in my warm cozy bed and watch TikToc’s for a bit. I was cracking up.

When I went to get out of bed, I was delighted to find that my soreness was less than yesterday. Yay! It is nice when I can feel measurable results. I made the decision that I will continue to try and either meet or exceed my steps from yesterday. I am concentrating on my posture.l and retraining my muscles to remember what that even is.

I took a shower and thought about how awful it was to shower laying down. Those days are gone. I was able to enjoy the warm steam and not have to rush through it to make the pain stop. Yay! So far I was winning my day.

I had a friend come over and visit and she brought us dinner, that was so nice. It was also nice to see her while I was sitting and not laying.

Avery and I binge watched a show and relaxed and I considered it “healing time”. The dogs helped’ us binge watch. 

Avery got an important letting in the mail. It had a big, shiny embossed sticker over where the envelope was sealed. 

She opened it and the letter said “Congratulations! You have been accepted into Brockport Honors College”.  This means that she will receive a scholarship, called the Prometheus Scholarship to SUNY Brockport. The Prometheus Scholarship includes an award of $6,000 and a campus parking pass. In addition to the Prometheus Scholarship, she will receive priority registration privileges, first choice placement in a Living Learning Community, and other benefits. This is a renewable scholarship for each year she is there. Woo hoo! Way to go kid!

Every day is another day of healing. Each day is progress. I blew it out of the water today with my steps.


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