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 Today I worked. when the work day ended, it was nice to hang out. We ate a homemade meal of deliciousness and pasta. The best part was that I didn’t have to make it.

The evening was spent playing card games, dice games and there was a generous amount of gambling happening. After I won once, I stopped playing. Paul k we enough to walk away when he was up.

My back gets sore if I stand or sit too long. I have to change positions often. Towards the end of the night I had to go lay down to alleviate the soreness. I know I have to be patient, but it is annoying.

Jiminy played with his girlfriend, Chopper. These two hit it off. They play well together and even look for each other to instigate a chase. Jiminy was all tuckered out.

The best thing about hanging out, is listening to all the side conversations. You have to listen close for some good one liners. I had so much fun giggling off to the side at all the inappropriate comments that were made. That is a true gift. 
