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 I departed from Heather’s today. On my drive home I was chuckling to myself. Heather left me alone in her house, without supervision. 

I sent her a text basically telling her that for the past few days I have been hiding silly notes around her house for her to discover. I told her that my intention was that every time she found a note and read it, that it was to signify that she is loved and that I hoped it would make her smile.

I arrived home around 5:30 pm. My old man, Phineas, was apparently whining all afternoon so I took him for a brisk walk. He is getting old and crickety, the movement is good for us both. He is getting a bit figety in his golden years. 

Paul and I caught up with each other. I saw him briefly on Sunday at the calling hours. But he left Friday morning. He has had some snowmobile troubles and that has been frustrating him. He told me all about his struggles trying to file an insurance claim. (His sled accidentally caught fire-long story. No one was injured).

I saw Ethan quite briefly. I said hello, he said Hi and that was it. I wasn’t upset by that because he had texted me a few times over the past few days. I am trying to be less of an overbearing mom and give him some space. 

I am again thankful for my remote job. It has been quite handy and allowed me the freedom to be with my dear friend. 

Also Nicole popped into my mind as I was driving home. I was thinking about how I hoped that she was enjoying her new house inside of Ethan’s chest. When I was thinking about her I felt at peace. Sometimes I think she is sitting right next to me. I like that. I want her to feel welcome. It sounds silly….

Happy Birthday Lois and Craig!!!!!!🎁🎉


  1. I don't think it's silly about Nicole, and I love the notes hidden around the house

  2. Nicole does live on because of Ethan
    If only he can continue to help her ilive a good life thru him!!
    Hopefully one day he will find that life for himself as well ! 🙏🙏


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