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Today I was lazy. I puttered around, not doing much. Likely because yesterday I was on overdrive. I did watch a documentary on a serial killer on Staten Island which was interesting.

We then went to Nana and Papa’s so Avery and Papa could make noodles from scratch together. I am not sure which one of them had more fun.  Nana got Avery an apron that was quite fitting. Avery has a t-shirt with the same thing written on it.

The noodles were fantastic, especially with Nana’s sauce and meatballs/sausage. Yum!

Ethan stayed home. He kept the fire going while we were gone. He rarely joins us for anything. I do feel sad about that, but understand if he were away at college, he wouldn’t do stuff with us either. So that is how I try to feel less bad about it.

We had enough noodles to bring home for tomorrow’s dinner. It was a special afternoon. Precious moments for sure.


  1. these pictures and the moments spent together are priceless ❤️

  2. Her smile! Definitely a memory to cherish 😍

  3. Amazing!!! What a great opportunity to cook with her papa. Fresh noodles and just doesn't get any better. Yep... you are totally right about Ethan. If he was living away at college, he wouldn't be around for these family things anyways. Remember at that age what we were doing and it didn't include spending lots of time with family. I think it's very natural. You're doing great with giving him space. xoxo

  4. Lovely pictures! They had a blast!


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