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I have mostly been regimented about going “out on a school night”. Tonight….not so much. Paul went to his bowling banquet. I went to meet friends at a restaurant/bar, to listen to a band. 

I had fun. Sometimes I need a reminder that I don’t have to be so regimented ALL the time. 

I got home and Paul was not home yet. Paul and I are the exact opposite of most of our friends and family in that we have a separation between doing things together and apart. A lot of things we do apart. 

I have odd social anxieties and he is a social butterfly so somehow it works. I am thankful that we have been through so much crap and come through on the other side.  We seem to divide and conquer. Does he drive me nuts in the process? YES!  But the same is true, I am sure, for him.

I like coming home to the quiet and peaceful sanctuary I call home. I’m have my own chaos going on here with the dogs running around like circus freaks.

I still can’t turn my head to the left…..from my sleeping injury. I used a heating pad and did some stretching techniques. Hoping for improvement tomorrow. As for tonight, I am falling asleep to the lullaby of the peppers outside just chirping away.  I love listening to frogs! 🐸 
