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I moved my office outside today around 10:00. The sunshine was warm. The birds were singing away. I got to watch the flowers dancing in the slight wind. Mr. Robin collected sticks and materials to help Mrs. Robin build her nest.

My wind chimes were slightly clinging and clanging together making a soft magical song. I loved it. I made the dogs a scavenger hunt of treats in the yard while my fingers typed away. This is what I have been striving for, for years. This is such an ideal set up.

I downloaded a bird call app. While I was working I was also trying to learn which birds were making what noises. This is what women do in their 40’s. They get bird feeders, bird houses and learn their bird calls. I am happily checking those boxes.

We had dinner with the in-laws out at a restaurant. While there, we discussed the tomfoolery going on in our world. The senseless shootings going on in the schools. The mad ex-employee carelessly shooting and killing people at a bank etc. Life can end at any moment. I am going to choose to enjoy what I can, while I can.

We enjoyed our time with Nana and Papa as well as Auntie. Our meal was good. There were many crying babies at the restaurant. Many! Despite the screaming babies, dinner was great. I am thankful for today.

My lazy coworker just laying in the sun.

My workspace today.


  1. Oh my friend, you deserve all this new found daily peace and joy in your life. I am so, so happy for you. xoxo

    1. Always Special
      being with Family
      Love ❤️ and Hugs 🤗


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