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 Another beautiful day. I worked outside again today. I discovered a house finch man and lady bird preparing their nest right above my work space. I won’t get upset about it until they poop on me or my computer.

We had a bit of drama happening when the Fed Ex driver arrived. All 4 dogs were out. Phineas ran up to his truck trying to find a way to get into the truck so he could go for a ride. 

Penny was running up to our driver barking her fool head off while wagging her tail because she was excited but also wanted to alert the world that someone was at our house.

Ferguson was plotting this man’s death. He was circling him like the land shark that he is. Waiting for the perfect time to bite. Ferguson also was trying to respect my stink eye as I called his name. He knows the look. 

Little Jiminy was prancing around. He was excited and confused by all the other dog’s behaviors. He wouldn’t get near the driver but he was prancing around doing “dog stuff” like the other dogs, this proving he is normal.

The driver is awesome and always brings treats. Ferguson was quickly swayed to like Mr. Fed Ex. Phineas was pumped to eat the treats….but was still trying to hop into the truck. What a shit show for this poor man. I helped out as much as I could trying to herd everyone away.

I love that this is my drama. As annoyed as I was at the time, it still beats being stuck inside a building with only hopes to eat lunch outside.

Paul actually mowed the lawn today. The flowers smell great. The fresh cut grass smells amazing. I like the warm spell we are having.

Ferguson and Jiminy walked around the field with me. Ferguson was so hot when we were done. I thought he was going to have a heat stroke.

Here is my laziest co-worker today! It’s hard to be Phineas.
