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 Dogs are so funny. Ferguson is our chihuahua that is undoubtedly rotten to anyone outside the family. He does have his select few people outside the immediate family the he finds their lap acceptable. He wears the chihuahua badge proudly. To us, he is a delightful and cuddly dog that keeps to himself mostly. We call him the gentleman because he sits politely while you eat and doesn’t beg. He quietly joins your space on his terms and it is like winning the lottery when he does.

He bullies the other dogs until Penny puts him in his place. She does it every time. Sometimes she pesters him until he gets mad and snaps at her. She ends that REAL quick. He will then go pout in his crate.  

We call him the “chair troll” because he dragged a bed under a certain chair in our living room and he will sit proudly on his throne. It’s dark under the chair and he blends in. When another dog walks too close to the chair he pops out like a goblin from a child’s closet and makes an awful scream bark noise at them. 

This morning as I was working, Chauncey our Roomba, was vacuuming the house. Ferguson HATES Chauncey. Chauncey has bite marks all over him from the 5 lb bad ass chihuahua that is in his senior years. I watched as Ferguson emitted a low growl anytime Chauncey entered the living room. He then completed his stealth attack at the speed of lightening. He takes Chauncey by surprise, bitting the hard plastic of Chauncey’s armor. Ferguson looked at me and immediately regretted his decision by the look on my face. He then jumped on the couch and snuggled up to me while continuing to growl at Chauncey and look at him with a side whale eye.

I told Ferguson how perfect he was and not to be bothered by that nasty vacuum cleaner that thankfully helps me keep the place clean with all these dogs and rabbit around.  Ferguson’s drama today was minor in my eyes, but he still needed someone to complain too. He was VERY out of sorts about the vacuum. We all have our own view on what bothers us I guess. I am glad I could be his shoulder to hang his head. Dogs are so fun to watch.

I traveled with my Sarah to Pittsburgh for a girl’s weekend. At the hotel bar, they were out of margaritas. SAD FACE! Despite that, we have had a lot of good belly laughs. 


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