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 I met up and ate lunch with a friend today. It was nice to catch up with her and find out what she has been doing for the past several months.

Paul had a project today. He is dismantling our stairs and redoing them to modernize them. He took the railing down and now it is sure death if you fall on that side. He got a lot done and I am thankful he is so handy. If I were to attempt it, it would look nothing short of a pre-school arts and crafts project.

All the dogs and their bedding got washed today. Theo the rabbit got his hair cut the other day. The birds are making their nest with his soft fur. Theo is a naughty bunny and keeps escaping outside so he can eat all my flowers. We just left him out today. He doesn’t go very far. I think it is so stimulating for him outside. 

I have a carry on packed for my trip. I packed very light. I even have extra room so far. When I get all my toiletries in my bag it will be much fuller I am sure. Also…toiletries is a funny word.

Right before heading upstairs, Ethan was sitting in the chair. I gave him a great big hug. I am so thankful he is here…and still a pain in my ass.
