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 Today was really pretty out. A little windy but very sunny. Avery is on spring break so we took the dogs for a walk at lunch time. Jiminy is scared of traffic and doesn’t walk well on a leash. Normally I leave him home, but today I put him in his frog sweatshirt and strapped him into his papoose.

The other three dogs were on a leash and off we went. A walk wouldn’t be complete without us being surrounded by off leash dogs trying to smell my dogs’ butts. These two friendly dogs came running up to us. I picked up Ferguson. He was talking smack to these two dogs. He thought his 5 pound self was going to kill them both.

Penny slipped her collar and Avery caught her. Phineas was checking out the two dogs. The one dog was thinking about humping Phineas. Phineas didn’t care and was really excited to “play”.

holding Ferguson in my arms, with Phineas on a leash, I tried to walk with the off leash dogs up to the door of the house they rushed towards us at. I was trying to walk with my 3 dogs, calling the off leash other two to follow me to knock on the door. I see a lady a few doors down calling for the dogs. She waved at me. I wasn’t feeling as neighborly towards the situation but was glad to know the dogs would be safe and out of the road. Avery was still holding Penny, without a harness, who was barking her foolish head off thinking we were all in danger. What a damn circus!

The rest of the walk was fairly normal. 

I made a large dinner and did some gardening. I am moving some flowers around. My back was sore and I called it quits!


  1. sunshine therapy is the best -- especially if you add Avery and dog time in! and naughty dog owner (neighbor) -- keep those dogs contained!

  2. Remember when you couldn't walk a few weeks ago? YEAH! That hell is behind you now.
    Oh, what an adventure with your fur babies! Please tell me that you don't have a dog stroller. That dog papoose is on the edge of crazy dog lady! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    1. I have crossed the threshold Melissa. I am a crazy dog lady. I am not sure if you noticed Jiminy’s sweatshirt that is a frog he is wearing for his walk. Ha ha. Plus I have 4 dogs. I am a collector at this point. And YES!!!!! So glad I can walk again.


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