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I walked outside today in the sunshine. It felt nice. I closed my eyes and listened. I could hear the frogs. I could hear so many different kinds of birds. Lots of bird calls that I recognized. My flowers are poking their heads out to enjoy the sun too.

Avery is spending one of the last nights of her break at her friends house. I was glad she was away so I could converse with the Easter Bunny about how I wanted things to go on Sunday.

Ethan has decided that he doesn’t want to find Easter Eggs and is too old for Easter. He will get a basket of goodies. Rachel is coming over Saturday night so eggs can be hidden around for the girls to find. Avery and I had so much fun picking out goofy items for Rachel’s basket.

I am feeling drained. I talked to so many people today and this week, with interviews that I need to quietly recharge my batteries…quietly in the quiet with no noise. No talking. Just quiet. I was even going to let Jiminy sleep in bed with me tonight, but decided against it….because I wanted to be alone. Poor Jim.

I have to respect the boundaries that my mind placed upon me or I will go crazy. You can ask Paul. It’s not pretty.

My bright side today was being out in the yard with all 4 dogs and the rabbit.  I am not a big fan of the mud though.
