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Ethan slept with Jiminy last night. Jim really likes to snuggle up to Ethan. I went in to get Jiminy this morning to let him out and both were still sound asleep, warm and snuggled in. I loved that moment.

I went on a few walks today around the track with the dogs. The weather was windy but friendly enough to want to be in it.

This evening my pseudo daughter, Rachel, had some pieces on display at the art show. She is an amazing artist. She has worked so hard this year and had some pretty amazing pieces.

The art show was pretty cool. There were lots of talented artists featured through all the grade levels. There was a QR code you could scan to leave the artists feedback. I LOVED this idea. I remember having my art in an art show and wondering if anyone liked it, noticed it etc.

This was so fun to do. After I sent notes to the kids that had really interesting or captive artwork, I found several other pieces to compliment. Some of these pieces were not as visually appealing but the amount of work on them was unquestionable. It was nice that we could point out send notes to those kids pointing out something good about their piece.

After the art show, I went to vote. Always good to vote.
