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 I woke up this morning and put on my most professional outfit to date. I had on my purple T-shirt that says I do crafts with seven different types of craft beers in different fancy glasses, as well as sweatpants. I did have to change mid-morning as I met some of my previous coworkers out for breakfast.

We had a wonderful visit and I appreciated the time with them so much. Life should never be too busy to appreciate those that have touched your life in some way.

When I arrived home, I couldn’t find Ethan. His car was home, he wasn’t in his room, garage or barn. I looked in the basement, nope. I decided to accept that he was tucked somewhere doing his own thing.

I was sent an article about an 18 year old in Dayton that went into cardiac arrest at school. Luckily they had an AED device and they were able to get her heart beating again. They determined she needed a heart transplant. She went into cardiac arrest two more times and ended up having a stroke in the process. Woah. Sounds familiar.

I sent the article to Ethan. Then I started to panic! WHERE IS HE? I went all around the house again. I hope he isn’t laying unconscious or dead somewhere. Why do Mom brains immediately jump to death? I checked  all through the back yard, looked in the field for his lifeless body that I was sure was cold to the touch by now. I was calling him slightly frantically, but trying to remain calm.

I finally heard a noise in the tree. He had nailed boards so he could climb the tree. He was just hanging out in there. Still a pain in my ass. “I saw you checking the barn a couple times.” He laughed.

I was happy to see him in the tree. It tells me he is feeling better and he is healing. He is starting to do activities that he did prior to transplant. He ended up putting a pallet in the tree and securing it.  He also rode his 4 wheeler today. He hasn’t done that in quite some time.

I called NYC to set up the next round of appointments but they haven’t called back yet. Next week we meet with hematology to see how things look on Ethan’s cbc. It is a routine appointment.

Ethan joined us for dinner tonight with the family. This is a very big deal as it was his choice. I was so proud of him. I also enjoyed having him with us.
