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 Yesterday, Avery and I were discussing ducks and how they “mate for life”. This is wrong information. Turns out, Mr. Right….is Mr. Right-Now. 

Avery shared that the lady ducks get “gang raped”. Horrified, I began reading about the traumatic life of a female duck! I began down a rabbit hole of waterfowl reproduction and how it has adapted and continuously evolved.

 Forced copulations are “pervasively common in many species of ducks,” writes Prum. These are socially organized “gang rapes” that are “violent, ugly, dangerous and even deadly” and even sometimes end in the death of the female.”

Here is a link to the article:

The article is interesting and not the way my rose colored glasses wanted to see ducks. I am not sure I can look at the male ducks the same.

The hematology appointment went well and we discussed a plan for weaning off Ethan’s blood thinner prior to his biopsy. This will help keep him from excessive bleeding, so it was kind of important. The has to stay off of it for a few days afterward to protect him from spontaneous bleeding. He is on this medication because he is more prone to blood clots now after having the stroke as well as blood clots around and in his heart after his heart transplant.

We made progress as Ethan didn’t protest the appointment as much. He spoke to the doctors without much help from me. I sat back and asked my questions. I am proud of the progress he has made over the last few months.

Tomorrow is Avery’s senior breakfast. She gets her cap and gown. She is super excited. She is dressing up and we planned her outfit tonight. She is felling good about it and looking forward to tomorrow.

We went to the dentist today. Ethan has been skipping the dentist for now. His doctors are aware and not concerned by this at this point. Apparently he isn’t the first kid that has responded in this way. 

Ethan is afraid they may find something really bad that will result with him having to go to the hospital. It’s hard to sit back and know it would be best for him to go. I also know that he is an adult and I want him to be in control to make his own choices. I have been supporting his choice.

Our awesome hygienist was saying she was going to come to our house to clean his teeth. She was going to put him in his front passenger seat of his Supra and make him recline the seat and she will clean those teeth. We were laughing. I told Ethan about it tonight and he was smiling at the thought. He really likes his hygienist.

I dropped Jiminy off in Ethan’s room on my way to bed. Jim snuggled right in into his usual spot. So cute! Avery shared this mathematical equation with me. I have decided it is my favorite mathematical equation….if that is a thing.


  1. Okay... now I want to go beat down some male ducks. WTF. That is just horrible for female ducks. I'm so glad that things are good with Ethan and Avery. Graduation is an exciting time!

    1. I was pretty upset with the male ducks too!!!!!

  2. And yes... best equation ever!!!

  3. Love that equation! What a joy she is~


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