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 3:00 am. It’s nice and snuggly and warm in the bed. Phineas and his aged mind came in and alerted us that he had to go out. He does have a bit of the kidney disease so I can’t even be mad. So if one goes out, all 4 of them go out. 

The stars were so beautiful. The moon was reflecting off the lake. There was no wind. There was no noise, except the dogs sniffing around. 

Today Phineas had a big day for a 13 year 9 month old dog. He had 5 major walks as well as a swimming session. He did a rock dive or two. The rest of the dogs went on several walks as well, but no one else was swimming.

We had happy hour and a yummy meal that filled our bellies and allowed us time spend time with company.

At one point I closed my eyes. I used my other senses to observe the environment. I could feel the warm and then cool air on my skin. The breeze was swirling around. I could smell the fresh air with a hint of lake. I couldn’t really taste anything, because that would be weird. I could hear the small waves lapping up onto. Shore and hitting the break wall. I was thankful to experience this day in a 360’ way.

Jiminy enjoyed the sunset tonight. He is spoiled!
