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 Today is a ceremonious day. Annually on this weekend, a group of guys on the shore line come together to help one another put in docks at the lake. It’s cool to see these things still happen with so many negative things in the headlines. It is simple, I help you and you help me.

The docks and lifts went in. There were some jokes about the temperature of the water and “shrinkage”. 

The most drama that happened was that there was a Robin’s nest on the end of the dock that was sitting in the side yard. This dock was going to be sent into the water. Everyone agreed that the best needed to be moved so we didn’t harm the baby birds.

Paul built a replica dock right next to the real dock and the nest was moved. The parental birds had no issues and continued feeding the babies. Yay! SUCCESS!

I went on a few walks today and weeded the garden. I am thinking about transplanting some flowers from my garden.

I was thankful that the weather was nice this weekend. I asked myself earlier today “what has gone right today?” I was able to rattle off at least 10 things. I consider that a huge win!
