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 We arrived home mid day. I had to tend to my sick pup. He got some fluids and some medications and I began to force feed him every little bit. Small and frequent force feeding. He really doesn’t have an appetite at all. He was also drooling like a mad man. Thankfully the drooling stopped. 

After an afternoon of fluids, he began to have a small bit of pep in his step. That was encouraging. 

I also power cleaned. Weekends are for cleaning and I have been away the last few. I had work to catch up on.  I shampooed the rug in the living room and all the couch cushions. Mopped all the floors. Once the rug dries in the morning I plan to vacuum under the cushions. All jobs that should have been done a while ago.

I did a bunch of laundry and mowed the field. Paul had to drive to Michigan for work. Boo!

Avery went over to a friends house and Ethan kept to himself. I said hello to him but he mostly stayed in his room.
