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 This morning I had a couple of meetings. Then Ethan and I left for New York City. Ethan drove so I could continue working. We switched about half way into the trip as he was getting tired.

We stopped in Pennsylvania to pick up fireworks for the Fourth of July. Ethan has purchased some fuse so that he can coordinate a fireworks show. I am looking forward to that.

The last hour and a half was a bit brutal. There was road work and we crept along at a very low rate of speed. It was the hurry up and wait kind of traffic. I am not a fan of Nee Jersey. I don’t like how the flow of traffic is, how you always have to turn around and I REALLY don’t like that they pump your gas for you. I don’t want to have to talk to someone about what gas I want. Ewww!

While I was driving, Ethan had a video visit with his neurologist. They made a plan to continue with his keppra, his seizure medication. His neurologist feels that there was enough damage with the stroke that he will always be at risk for seizures and Ethan doesn’t want to risk having a seizure. He is ok with staying on the medication.

The neurologist felt Ethan was stable enough to be managed by a “different doctor” which I assumed to mean his pediatrician. I whispered to Ethan that he didn’t want this. He shared that with the neurology team and we set up an appointment for next year with the neurology team. 

He asked why I recommended that after we hung up. I told him that if he ever had a neurology emergency for some reason, he would already be an existing patient and it would be easier to get into the office. Neurology was willing to continue following him, so why would we switch? We need to keep that relationship going. After all, he did suffer a brain injury that will never be negated.

We finally arrived safe and sound. I was tired. We ordered dinner and I still had 3 hours more of work to complete.  I was able to complete that which I was thankful for. Our day starts bright and early tomorrow.

Keep your fingers crossed for us.


  1. Definitely fingers crossed! ♥️

  2. ♥️ Fingers and legs crossed! ♥️
    Here's hoping for an excellent appt and safe and easy travels back.

  3. And I had to look up why this law about full service gas only is still in effect in NJ...,service%20start%20to%20pop%20up.


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