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 I finally received word back that I have been officially accepted into a list for being a bone marrow donor. What this means is that I am in a database so that if a patient is in need, and we genetically match, there is an 80% chance  my stem cells can be collected as a blood collection procedure. 20% (more so with pediatric patients) with would be done as a procedure either under anesthesia or local anesthesia where the bone marrow is collected from the hip area. Then it is filtered, treated and transplanted immediately OR they can freeze it. I am excited at the prospect that I could potentially make someone’s medical journey just a little better just by taking the step to sign up.

It was an easy process. I applied online. They sent me a dna collection kit. I swabbed my cheek (the one on my face) and submitted it. Then waited.

To donate is free and voluntary with no financial gain. The side effects of the blood donation are the same with any blood donation. The side effects from them removing bone marrow with a syringe is minimal because bone marrow regerates every 4-6 weeks. I could be sore from them inserting a needle and tired as I regenerate my bone marrow. All are far better outcomes that the person that is suffering from cancer.

Avery and I watched the movie “Airplane” from 1980 while I worked. Such a classic movie. She thought it was hilarious.

Ethan was excited about the storm that came through. He was out in the field watching and following the storm on radar like a little kid.

It was nice to have a quiet day. Jiminy pretended he was being helpful today when I got up to refill my coffee.
