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 I was feeling sorry for myself today as I was trying to catch up from work. I really have no reason to complain after being on vacation. There were just so many emails. I felt like the girl in the movie Silence of the Lambs and my emails were the guy with the bucket peering over me while I was in the hole with no way out.

I put in about a 10 hour day and feeling overwhelmed because I wasn’t near being caught up.

After I made dinner (while in a meeting, my camera was off), I immediately was trying to get my travel costs reimbursed.

I got a bill in the mail from collections saying the insurance company reversed $3700 worth of payments on Ethan’s bill from 11/2020. These are charges that have been paid, reversed, paid again and now reversed again. I don’t even have the energy to deal with this almost 3 year long battle. Maybe I should submit my hourly rate to someone and ask for reimbursement for all the time I have put into dealing with this. I probably would have enough to retire.

The car company charged us for an EZpass but didn’t give it to us so in addition to that charge we paid tolls too. Double charged. Ugh!

When I call they say to go in person, when I went in person, they said to call. I called again today and was waiting to talk to an agent. After several minutes of holding a message came on and said “we are overwhelmed with calls right now. Please call back later”. Click. I didn’t get a receipt so I had to call again for them to send me a receipt. They did finally.

I had to call yet a different number to troubleshoot the lack of help on the first two numbers I called. Then I sent an email to the division of tolls within the car rental company. We will see if I hear anything.

I then had to submit reimbursement for our flight that never happened. They allow 3 uploads of receipts for reimbursement. We were traveling with 4 people. We had like 8 receipts in food and gas for that day alone. Plus the tolls were got charges for and the rental car. Oh yeah and make them less than 2 mb combined. The first time I couldn’t up load one receipt let alone 3. I shrunk those suckers down. I don’t know how they are going to read them.

I had to give a summary of what happened in less than 200 words. Ummmm….that proved to be difficult. I used cave man language.” Flight cancelled need money.”

Then I had to submit a claim for the original flight we had that got cancelled earlier in the month causing us to book the second flight that got cancelled. 

After 3 hours of this nonsense….I shut the computer. I apologized to my family for being an absent wife/mom today. I didn’t get to enjoy any of them. It made me never want to go on vacation again. It is easier just to work and not deal with cancelled travel plans.

Feeling annoyed and angry at this time suck, I asked myself what went right today. “Nothing” was my first answer. Which kind of defeats the purpose of my exercise. Need to close my eyes, take a breath and think.

What went right today? I had a few moments of laughter with my co-workers. Paul brought me coffee this morning and I thought that was nice. Avery is taking charge of her college bills and getting the ball rolling on her own. I enjoyed the weather. I have a naughty chipmunk that is eating out of my bird feeder and it made me smile. Some of these things were so stupid and silly but together they made my day pretty ok.

I am glad July is over. 


  1. July went fast, but was long. And action packed for you. The stress you had to return home to wasn't ideal, but the bright spots and the awesome trip you just had make up for it. I loved some parts of July, but for others, I'm also glad it's over. Happy August!


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