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 My dogs are spoiled. They spent lots of time outside again today. I worked outside the majority of the day. 

Ethan was home today. He was doing things that he hasn’t done in a few years. He has an interest in monarch butterflies. He did some research on how they hatch, where their eggs are laid etc. long story short, I have a milk week plant on my screened in porch with butterfly eggs on the leaves.

I was excited for my work day to be over because I had plans to go out to dinner with a friend.  I met my friend and we chatted and chatted. We have known each other for years and it is like no time has passed every-time we get together. We have great conversations. I really enjoyed it.

Our sidewalk project is getting closer to being done. We are hoping they pour the concrete this week. They have built the forms and brought in the stone. I am hoping to do a dog print in the cement.
