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 Ethan’s blood tests came back wonky again. I suspect he isn’t always taking his meds as he should be. They keep increasing his dose. Then then have him go back for blood tests.

I am frustrated because I refilled his meds on Monday and found them still in their packages this evening. I don’t think, based on the blood tests, that he is taking his medications as religiously as he would like me to think.

Apparently, my tone came through when I asked him about it. I am frustrated and tired that I am supposed to be less parent-y to someone that isn’t being as responsible as I feel he should be.  Taking the medications is the easy part at this point. If he takes them as prescribed, he can avoid these blood tests. I just don’t get it.

Apparently this is normal for transplant kids at this age. It is typical reaction. That did make me feel better to hear. His doctors are wonderful to be able to help US through it. They help Ethan and myself in different ways.

This is a growth phase. When I stand back and look, I did want him more independent with his medications and he has taken that step. I am glad they have Ethan on such a well rounded anti-rejection plan to keep him safe during these missed doses.

It is hard to sit back and let the reigns loose. It’s hard to watch someone stumble at their own hands. I know it will get better. It has already changed so much, but we continue to have a lot of growing to do!
