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 After work today, I took Avery shopping for college life. She has many things so far that she needed. We picked up things like a broom and dust pan, laundry detergent, Kleenex, snacks, and other little necessities that she would need.  It was fun to pick those things out with her.

Her supplies list is dwindling quick. She has just about everything she needs. She now has the difficult task of as she describes “picking out which plants to take” with her. Ha ha! She is adorable.

Avery is starting to get nervous for her wisdom teeth surgery on Monday. I don’t blame her. I remember mine. I remember the noise, taste and pain. She is going to an oral surgeon. They should be able to pop those out like apex from a apex dispenser.

Ethan found a monarch butterfly egg on some milk weed. He has been looking all summer for a monarch caterpillar. Paul had done some weeding and pulled out a milk weed plant. Ethan scoured the leaves and found a small egg. 

He put the leaf that the egg was on, on a container to keep it safe. 2 days later and the egg has hatched the teeniest, tiniest caterpillar. Ethan is so excited about it. 

These are things that Ethan did pre-transplant. He hasn’t done things like this in almost 3 years. It sounds silly, but it is exciting to see.

With everything Ethan went through, he has not been the same kid. Some parts of him were unrecognizable as well as difficult to process. I am so glad he made it through, but he was different. It is always nice to see little bits of ETHAN returning. Small but meaningful actions.

I started working on the collections bill from the hospital for charges from 2020. Ugh! What an uphill battle!

Today the things I was thankful for were the time I got to spend with Avery, and that we were able to get so much accomplished.


  1. Bits of Ethan returning! This is an incredible update and it fills my heart with joy for you all. xoxo


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