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 I worked on getting my house up to livable conditions. I shampooed the couch, the water that came out was yucky. Dishes, laundry, washing bedding, cleaning out the freezer, washing the chair covers, making Avery special chip clips for college, dusting, cleaning bathrooms etc…. I was busy. 

I did make time for a walk with a friend. It was a cool little park and we both brought dogs. It was Penny’s lucky day, as she is the only one that got to go. Ferguson tries to bite the other dogs and Jiminy is too fragile. We walked the paths and watched the dog’s run themselves silly.

I was happy that Ethan went to his friend’s house to do car stuff. Once he returned home, another one of his friend’s stopped by to see him. This warms my heart.

We ended up building a fire in the backyard this evening. The kids and I enjoyed the fire. Paul was away this evening. The dogs ran around doing dog things. It was fun to watch them. Jiminy petered out and just wanted to sit on a warm lap.  The rabbit also hopped along joyfully. He loves being outside.

Tomorrow I am hoping to talk to Ethan about career pathing. I am hoping he did the homework I gave him. I am trying really hard not to be a “mom” but it is really hard. 

I would say it was a successful day!
