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Avery and I had a morning campfire. I drank my coffee and she ate breakfast. It was nice.

 I feel good like my house is a bit cleaner than it was Friday. Today was spent doing more cleaning but more important, making sure Avery had soft foods for her wisdom teeth removal tomorrow. She is nervous, as anyone would be.

I think the oral surgeon we are going to is good. He did great work when Ethan needed some teeth removed. Avery is going under for the procedure so at least she doesn’t have to hear the noise or feel anything of the removal process. Isn’t anesthesia wonderful?

We had dinner with family. That was really yummy. The sweet corn was delicious and we also had filet mignon. It was cooked perfectly and was tender. It was nice to have a minute to sit down and visit.

The weather was beautiful. I enjoyed walking with the dogs in the field. They were feeling it after the second time around. They were drooling, tongues hanging out with heavy panting….it was warm. I like to close my eyes and listen to the wind blowing through the trees. I like to take a deep breath. I can smell the corn in the field and it is pleasant. I like to feel the sunshine on my face. I enjoyed the day.
