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 We woke up this morning and left our little lake rental. Such a pretty morning. We went out to breakfast and actually had fairly tame conversations for a group like us. We did discuss nudist colonies and if we would and wouldn’t go visit. We discussed nudist colony etiquette and the rule of always sitting on a towel you bring. 

I don’t really have a desire to visit a place like this. I am too much of a germaphobe. I also likely would stare and just be considered rude by the locals.

Avery came home this afternoon to visit after she was done working. I cut her hair for her. She is enjoying school. She also enjoys being introverted and finding peace with solidarity. 

2/3rds of the dogs got a bath. Ferguson didn’t need one because he is such a fastidious groomer. 

I did my exercising this afternoon. I was about 5 times around our field. Nice!

I was in my bed before 8:00pm.
