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 This morning we leisurely took our time to get ready to leave and come home. Seeing these people makes time stop. It rewinds back to the college days. 

We may require menu’s with bigger fonts, longer arms to read things and cheater glasses, but still, we know how to have fun. These are people we have grown up with for the past 25 years or more.

we grabbed breakfast and drove home. Ethan and Avery were both home. Ethan had waited for us to release his (now four of them) monarch butterflies. It was cool to see how pretty they were. There were two males and two females.

All of them fluttered away. One of the butterflies went up towards our tree. This pissed off a hummingbird which charged the newly hatched butterfly. Oh no! Luckily the butterfly hid and the hummingbird flew away. Oh the drama!

Avery made dinner and I made dessert. She went on her way back to school. She is enjoying her classes and is looking forward to her clubs starting.

I was looking at my calendar and Ethan has his appointment with the neuro-surgeon for his MRI results this week. 

This evening Ethan was excited because he heard a screech owl. I tried to hear it, but it had flown away before I could get my butt outside. I like that Ethan gets so excited about that kind of stuff. It is more like pre-transplant Ethan’s personality.

Off to Seneca Falls next weekend with some good friends. Looking forward to that.
