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 Yes! Ethan’s hair is out of control! Ha ha. 

We headed out to the neuro-surgeon today. He was going over Ethan’s MRI results from a few weeks ago. Good news! Ethan has had no change in the Pituitary Adenoma that he has. That is a fancy way of saying tumor on the pituitary gland, that is not cancerous.

This adenoma could have been there since birth. It could have developed 5 years ago, we just don’t know. With there being no change in the past year, I consider that a good sign.

The doctor recommended us coming back in a year to get it checked. I posed the question “if he is not having any problems, there has been no change in size of the adenoma and things seem stable, can we push this appointment out for 2 years?”

The thought of having to drag Ethan to an appointment that he doesn’t want to go to is torture. Ethan liked the idea of the plan. The doctor agreed to it. We agreed that if any symptoms arise that we will get checked sooner. Symptoms would be headache, change of vision and change in erectile function and libido.

This is a big win!!!!!!

After work I met Avery out and we went grocery shopping. She said that she took a computer science test and thinks she did a decent job on it.yay!

Collections called again today. We got a call to schedule the next renal appointment in NYC and I have not scheduled Ethan’s yearly heart catheterization. I tried to get Ethan to schedule, but he told me that if I left it up to him, he wouldn’t schedule any appointments. I believe him too.

Today was such a pretty day! I was glad I got to spend time outside.
