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 Avery aged out of her previous health care coverage and we had to get her a new plan. I spent about 2 hours on the phone with the New York State Department of Health to see what she qualified for. I do have an online account and could have done everything through that, but somehow I ended up with two accounts and I wasn’t able to access either one. This forced me to call. I had to verify and revering my information, over and over again.

Once we figured out what she qualifies for, I had some homework to do picking out a plan. Ugh! I hate insurance and all things that go with it. Her coverage ends in 2 weeks so I had to be an adult and just deal with it. (Zero thumbs up for that!)

There is a kid, that looks to be about 10 years old, by our house that rides his bike to the corner about daily. He tries to get cars to honk at him. I panicked every day when I hear the first honking. I assume that my dogs have run into the road and are going to be hit. It is terrifying. I also got pissed at the kid and quietly cussed him out after listening to the constant honking for an hour.

Today I watched him for a little while. Not like in a creepy way….(maybe it was creepy). I got thinking about how happy he was each time he got a honk. It would be something that Ethan has done in the past. I even drove out of our driveway a few days ago and honked when I went by. 

I do remember thinking “where is his mom? Don’t they know that people can’t be trusted to know how to drive. He could get kidnapped or worse.

This kid is so genuinely happy with each honk. This kid could be doing anything with his time. He could be stealing, vandalizing, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, etc…..instead, he wants cars to honk.

I flipped my view on it and decided that I am not mad about it anymore. He is a kid making his own fun.

Ethan worked for a bit today. He seems to like this job. He washed bigger equipment.

Keep moving forward 
