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 Mom didn’t come home today. Boo! They wanted to keep her overnight and have PT come in for a visit tomorrow. I feel like they are trying to set her up for success. She is in good spirits and had some feral lady on her floor being a terribly difficult patient. The lady was screaming and yelling at the nurses. Unbelievable!

I met Sarah for breakfast this morning. Of course I enjoyed every second. I will see her again in two days which is exciting.

I ordered my groceries on Instacart and went to pick them up. When I pulled into the parking lot, I rolled my window down so I was ready to talk to whomever brought the groceries out. 

A nice lady came out and loaded everything up. When she walked away, I went to put my window up and it made a terrible clunk. Then my window would now go up. I couldn’t even see the window. I had to drive home with the window open.

I know that I have noise aversion and certain noise bothers me more than others. A window down is NOT a noise I enjoy. I was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other plugging my ear facing the window. I understand my quirks are not normal. I also have noticed they get worse as I age. This wouldn’t have bothered me 10 years ago.

Paul was less than pleased with the situation. He had wanted to work on a few projects but I gave him a new project that took priority. He has to fish my window out of my door and tape it up. I am just thankful that he knows how to do that.
