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 I got another bill from the hospital. It was for a service done on 2/27/2021. It was some sort of exam. $480. How is this just popping up now?  Was this exam different from the other exams that were done day in and day out from 11/18/20 -3/31/21? But we only have to pay this one exam?

Sigh. Another phone call. Another explanation of me telling them to submit under the old insurance and not the current insurance.  My insurance liaison isn’t returning my calls or emails at this point. Maybe she died? I have no idea. I do know I don’t have hours each week to try and communicate with the hospital, insurance company or the collections agency. Hours!

No one will talk to me without Ethan’s consent so I have to make sure he is home from work to make these calls. This system sets people up for failure! It’s so annoying and I have found that sometimes my coping mechanism is to ignore it until I have the proper energy to deal with it mentally.

How did it get to be the last day of September? Time is just flying by. It is so fast but in the moment it doesn’t seem so. I think we are being punk’d by Father Time.

Ethan had a friend over for the majority of the day. He entered his car in the local car show at the Apple Festival which is one of the biggest events in our town.

They then came back here and road go carts/ 4 wheelers. We had pizza for dinner and had a camp fire. It was nice. Avery was exhausted from working today. She sat around the fire but felt tightness in her chest indicating anxiety was talking hold. Poor Aves.

We had a sleep over on the couch so that if she needed something I could be there. I asked if she wanted to sooon all night and she had a quick answer of “no” and “that would be weird.” It’s the thought that counts.
