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Today was a long but good day. At our leadership seminar we learned, saw and discussed different topics to raise self awareness. It was very interesting to watch it play out. I was engaged the entire time.

On every break I logged into work and was able to facilitate a few more hires as I slowly exit my southern territory. One thing we learned is that we should have a journal and reflect daily. Check!

After the all day seminar we went to an escape room with our smaller groups. We had to work together and break out of our room. It was interesting to have 12 people trying to work together. It was a bit chaotic but in a supportive way.

I did realize that I am confident in groups of people in this type of scenario. But I probably shouldn’t be. Ha! I have the art of confidence down….even for things I am not right about. Scary thing is, I can convince them I am right, but I am not. So this happened tonight. We didn’t escape. It wasn’t all my fault, but I didn’t help as much as I could have. Eh…no one is perfect.

I still maintain that confidence is key. I have told my kids this over and over. It also helps when you are trying to pull something off that you know is against the rules.

We then went to dinner. I had 3 margaritas and I felt I deserved them after all the peopling that I have done today. I did tell Paul I might crash this weekend.

They dropped us back off at the hotel around 9:45. Woah! I was tired!
