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 NO REJECTION!!!!!! Great news for Ethan!

We got our Indian Summer. The past few days have been so beautiful. The weather is warm. The sun is out. The leaves are colorful. Fall is amazing. Theo enjoyed his day outside.

I was so thankful that we didn’t have any appointments to go to today. One day in a row. The appointments take so much out of me. The worry, the dread, the screaming, the smells reminiscent of ICU days and don’t forget the alarms. The alarms push me over the edge. They just hit a nerve in the wrong way and induce a weird form of a cross between rage and anxiety.

I am so thankful it is over for the next few months. Phew!

Today I learned that I might have to go back to NYC. Not because of Ethan, but there is a veterinary event that my company would like me to be present for. I am still learning the details but it is in a week and a half. Yikes.

I was having trouble focusing today. I think I am just tired. I ended up after work in the back yard by our stick pile. I was cutting and breaking up sticks and placing them in bags for kindling for this winter. I think of it as a form of recycling of sorts. I know, not that glamorous.

We covered our camper for the winter. Until next year friend! 

All in all, it was a good day.


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