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 This morning I got up and quietly let the dogs out. When they came in, my coffee had already warmed the outside of the mug. I sat in the dark with the glow of the night shining in the house. Our night lights were shining giving off ambient light. I was snuggled under a blanket with 3 dogs with me. I was so thankful I didn’t take that other dog. He was a bull in a China store.

I got my hair cut this morning and got about 4 inches taken off. It looks much healthier. I was starting to look homeless, so it was time for a change.

After work I met up with a friend and went to dinner. We chatted about life and shared some laughs. It was much needed. All the waitresses were dressed up in Halloween costumes. It was fun.

Paul and Ethan worked together all evening in the garage. Let me say that again. THEY WORKED TOGETHER….in the garage. Yay! They are communicating better and Paul stays home on weekends. Such a change from last year!

Happy Halloween! 🎃 
