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 Today I met my new boss. She seems nice. We will see how things go. I visited with my volunteer clinic today. I am helping them go paperless. They were all super nice and bought me lunch. I am excited for this project.

This evening, Avery came home and we went to our high school trivia night, put on by the Alumni Association. The night consisted of many trivia questions with a large variety of topics. Our team was down a person. We were supposed to have 4 people, but we only had 3 (all female) brains. 

The group was multi-generational. I saw one of Ethan’s elementary school teachers. He looked old. I decided that there is no way I aged as much as he did in the same number of years. Ha!

Our team, even with being a person down, came in 4 th place out of 11 teams. I answered maybe 3 questions. But I was confident in those 3 that I answered.

It was a fun night to benefit a good cause. It is nice to know that the money spent will be used toward scholarships. 

We shared many laughs. Avery won a free cheese pizza!
