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 I had an interesting evening. The past 2 days I have had pain in my lower abdomen. Sometimes enough to take my breath away and do Lamaze breathing while laying in a crumpled up heap on the floor. These waves of significant pain would come and go. I did a GI rest to see if that helped.

Last night was quite uncomfortable. I knew I had to go get it taken care of today. I called the doctor’s office today and spoke with a nurse asking if I should just go to the ER because I knew I would need imaging. They agreed that would be best.

I went to the local ER and was taken right back. I was able to get a CT. They had me drink a disgusting drink for contrast for the CT scan. I got some IV fluids but my mouth still felt drier than a popcorn fart.

It was confirmed that I have diverticulitis on my medical record. My little pocket is abscessed. It was about 2 cm. Which isn’t huge but also isn’t small. I was transferred to a hospital that is able to accommodate overnight patients.

My case needed a rectal-colo surgeon’s consult. Of course I would have an issue with my colon. Gross.

I switched hospitals and was transferred to a room. My nurse is nice. The surgeon was deciding if they wanted to go in with a needle and try to drain it or let the antibiotics do the trick. They decided it wasn’t big enough to cut out.

Tylenol does help.

As the evening went on, my “dinner” arrived. I had some chicken broth, green jello, cherry Italian ice, tea and two types of juices. I couldn’t finish it all. 

I had a test that measured inflammation in my body. Normal results are 0-8. My results were 100. This confirms the infection I have. 

The evening was NOT restful as it was noisy and disruptive. They gave me my antibiotics too fast which resulted in me vomiting. Which I am not a quiet vomiter. It sounds like demons are being released from my soul. Not lady-like at all.

All in all, I am thankful that we figured it out quick. It could have been worse!


  1. Heal quick! Thanksgiving is next week. You need to be in fighting form with stretchy pants. Hope all is well

  2. I stand corected by myself...week and a half!


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