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 Thank goodness I work from home. These antibiotics are not kind to me. They are working though. The tenderness is less and less each day. My breathing is back to normal and I can even take big breaths. Yay!

When Ethan got home, he was in his room. I had one of his blankets in the dryer. It was done being dried and was super warm, cozy and smelled fresh. I ran it up two flights of stairs to cover him with it in his room. I have told him in the past one of the kindest things you can do for someone is warm their blanket.

I will warm Avery’s blanket for her sometimes, using the fireplace. I used to tuck Phineas into his bed every night after his last potty. While he was outside I would warm his blanket and wrap his cold self up as soon as he came in. 

I relaxed tonight after work. I puttered a little bit but mostly laid on the couch and rested. 

Avery sent me a picture of Jiminy and herself at college.

I asked her if she took him to a frat party. He looked drunk as a skunk, passed out. He had not. He had a large dinner and went off to sleepy land. He gets so sleepy in the evening.

Our house is different without him here. It is much quieter.

I was thinking of Ethan’s donor family today. I think about them multiple times a day. But thinking about them and others facing a holiday without their loved one. This is a friendly reminder to treat everyone with kindness as this can be a hard time of year for people.


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