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Happy Birthday to my Mom!!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎂

 Avery finally has health insurance! Yay! That is if I can trust the person that told me that. Ha ha.

Today I opened an unsuspecting inappropriate meme via text. It made me laugh out loud. I laughed longer than I should have.  I was able to share the said inappropriate meme with several other people. As I was waiting for them to view the inappropriate image, I was chuckling away. 

I love that I have a group of people that send me things like this with the intention of sharing a laugh. Not only did it give me an immediate Las ugh, but I was able to share a laugh with others. I was laughing at the thought of others expressions as they were caught off guard.

It’s so funny that one stupid picture can trigger such a fun chain of events.
