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 I am very discouraged. I had a fairly decent day. Ethan went with me to grab groceries. We had a nice car ride. He helped me carry groceries in.

I got the mail. It went down hill from there. First envelope - collections agency. The charges are still not resolved from 2020 and I need to make more phone calls.

Second letter-a bill from Avery’s doctors office because of the insurance snafu earlier in the week. Her visit was $600. Luckily, I know that our insurance is retroactive and this will be resolved after, you guessed it…a no doubt lengthy phone call.

Third letter- a bill from NYC for the procedures Ethan recently had. It was for $1300.00. This will result in a phone call asking them to submit this bill to insurance (I mean why would they try that ahead of time?)

Fourth letter- note from my insurance stating that my hospitalization was not medically necessary and therefore all of those charges are not covered and I am responsible for paying them.  I have to schedule an appeal, call the doctors office, get them to agree to a peer to peer consultation and hope an appeal will go through.

At this point I figure all next week will be just me on the phone with insurance companies. Boo!

I decided to have a cranberry and vodka and not think about all the damning extra work. I am giving these bills the rude middle finger.

I will deal with all of it, tomorrow.


  1. I'm so frustrated for you and for everyone else caught up in the trials and tribulations of the insurance industry. HUGs


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