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The sun was out, illuminating the fall colors. It was really pretty. Every time I let the dogs out, I could hear the leaves crunching beneath their little paws. Theo even spent time outside for several hours, enjoying the sunshine.

I felt bad for Ethan today. In the past he has expressed that it is hard for him to express excitement, because if he does, it is always, somehow ruined.

Ethan has a big event tomorrow where he will be racing the go art that he made an engine swap in, as well as extended the caboose on.

He was really looking forward to the event and POOF! Gone. He ordered a part for the engine. It was a computer of some sort. When he realized he ordered the correct part, but they sent, they offered to fix it quickly and again sent the incorrect part.

I was annoyed that I had to work until 5 on a Friday. Ewww! Normally I am able to cut out a bit early, but not today! 😢
