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 Today was Ethan’s big event. He had a few buddies over beforehand. They also that their go carts and 4 wheelers. Sadly, Ethan’s monstrous creation that he has worked so hard on, sat in the garage, crippled from having the proper computer to run it! He was so close.

Paul sat with me on the couch with me as we had our coffee. He was telling me how proud he was of the work Ethan did. He was saying that Ethan has grown tremendously in his technique. His welding skills have grown. He made a really cool creation.

He basically took a go cart, extended the frame and added a ginormous engine. This engine is powerful and heavy duty. He and Paul have worked long hours getting this beast ready for the event.

Paul had mentioned he was going to borrow a buddies trailer and trailer it to the event. I wondered what the point was. Rubbing salt in the wound? Here is the vehicle you can’t drive? Seemed mean.

Paul explained that I wasn’t seeing it from the right point of view. Even though it wasn’t running, it was something to be proud of. It was a conversation piece. Other men would think it is cool. All very decent points.

Paul met Ethan over at the event. Ethan did receive much interest and curiosity over his project. Just for giggles, even though the wrong computer was installed, he decided to try and turn it on. Well, holy crap! It started.

Someone was looking over him and intervened to make his day even more memorable. This thing not only started, but he got to drive it around. Wow!

I think Ethan and his friends had fun. Paul had fun and was thrilled this machine started and Ethan was able to drive it. 

Paul brought the gocart home and tried to get it started, to unload it from the trailer. Nope! Wouldn’t start at all. 

I was happy he got to have fun. I just wonder who was watching over him? Paul’s mom? My dad? Nicole? Whoever it was, they showed up at just the right time.


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