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 Avery and I took the dogs on a walk today and got to see a red headed woodpecker doing his thing. We got to hear his call. We watched him for a few minutes. I considered it a gift. However, I did not appreciate the annoying blue jay that was tacking outside our dining room today.

Avery helped me give Theo his bikini trim for winter. It keeps his under bits clean. He is old now and arthritis prevents him from grooming as diligently as he used to. 

Paul added an old tractor to our yard as a decoration. We were laughing about becoming rednecks. It looks cool. Ethan liked it and helped Paul load and unload it.

It is nice to see Ethan smiling more these days.

Ethan then came to me and asked me if the bug on his arm was a tick. It absolutely WAS a tick. It wasn’t attached and was small, so no blood meal. Yay! However, it true mom like fashion, I had my almost 21 year old strip down, in my kitchen, to his boxers and scan over his entire body for more ticks. 

I looked in ears, in-between fingers, belly button and spread each of his toes apart. I was on my hands and knees crawling around like a crazy woman trying to get  a 360 degree view of his exposed skin. I had him comb his hair with a fine toothed comb (flea comb) to make sure they weren’t in his hair.

I understand that this was a behavior that was a bit over the top. I know it isn’t a normal reaction to a tick, BUT he won’t get Lyme disease if we are diligent. 

I do enjoy daylight savings ONLY when we get an hour back. Only because it made my Sunday a little longer.


  1. Totally get the tick adventure! I found one on me for the first time in 30 some years! GAAA


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