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 Avery texted me last night around midnight. The fire alarm was going off in her building. She found out this morning it was because someone tried to make ramen noodles, but didn’t add water to the noodles. Oppppsss! I wish I could have watched the who thing go down. Hilarious! 

I got another bill in the mail for services for Ethan in February of 2021. Ugh! I thought we had it taken care of! It ensued several calls and a bunch of time this morning. Sometimes I think I am being Punk’d. Still not resolved. However, we have our bill down to $40 in collections. Yay! Winning!

Daylight savings screwed me up. I woke up at like 4. I logged in to work for a few hours. Then spent the morning doing overdue chores around the house. It was nice to have that time. 

I then finished the remaining hours for my shift. It was great to take a break. My motivation aligned with my break, so I was able to accomplish many things.  Yay! 
