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 I have been in a funk the past two days. I received some devastating news about one of my coworkers and their employment status. I gave myself permission to throw a fit about it while no one was looking. I did throw a fit!

I didn’t sleep well last night, and I had a headache that still hung on for a few hours this morning. Isn’t stress grand?

However, I am trying to convince myself that change is an opportunity in disguise. 

Ethan put out a YouTube video today. Here is the link:

Little by little he is showing signs of growth. I love looking for it and watching it unfold. There was a time when he just had no desire to make them. Depression was real and prevented him from doing activities he had previously enjoyed. 

Avery sent us a video of one of the dorms (not hers) with fire trucks all around. They evacuated the building.A student had tried to cook something and it caught on fire. My question was “if they have a meal plan why are they cooking?

Never a dull moment.
