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 Avery texted me yesterday and said she wasn’t coming home this weekend. She wanted to focus on studying for her finals next week. She has a final in physics, computer science and calculus. I can barely spell those words, so I can understand she needs that time.

That little stinker popped home this morning and surprised myself and her Mema, whom I was visiting at the time. Surprise!

She wasn’t feeling so hot as she had come down with a cold. So I spoiled her all afternoon because she was “sick”. She took a nap on the couch with her two bodyguards.

Penny and Jiminy kept her safe as she slept. Ferguson didn’t help because he was naughty and bit Ethan’s friend. He was grounded to his cage. Chihuahuas!

Ethan’s buddy spent the day at our house. At one point he walked into the house and Ferguson attacked his ankle. Another name was added to Ferg’s long list of people he has bitten. Some names are on the list 3 or 4 times.

Poor Ferguson! Such a chihuahua. He is half misunderstood and half asshole. We still love his stinky little self.

I was able to make fudge with candy cane bark in it. Yum! So Christmas-y. I also made some Chex mix and tortellini soup with tomato’s, cheese, spinach and cheese tortellini. Had to make soup for the sick child. 

We spent the evening watching Jiminy sleep. He was wrapped up in his soft blanky. Avery and I took turns holding and rocking him.

The day was a pleasant one. The weather was beautiful. We all enjoyed it, even Theo! He hopped around our yard, happily eating grass and pooping on stuff.
