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 Today I had a busy work day. This afternoon, while busy, I didn’t have to talk to anyone and was able to watch a movie about the Green River Killer and how he killed for 20 years because he didn’t “look” like the kind of person that would commit the murders 90+ women. Unbelievable. Sick!

Afterwork, we went to a friends house. Paul was helping them with their snowmobile. The snowmobile is now ready to tackle any snow event that is thrown its way. Particularly a trip to Maine where it will be ridden daily for many days in a row.

January will be a busy month with us traveling. Paul will be away, then I will be away. There will be a two week period we won’t  see each other. Avery has her physics conference that her and I will be traveling to. I am just staying in the hotel, not learning physics. They would spot me as a fraud right away. I will stay back in my ph’s drinking coffee.

Ethan worked today. He got home a little early today. I made sure to wash all of Avery’s illness out of the blankets today. She was curling up on the couch with them. 

It was a typical Monday. But I enjoyed the day. It was peaceful and smooth. Can’t really ask for more than that right?


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