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 I decided to finally add food to my gut after 70 hours of fasting. It was a half cup of white rice. It was delicious and far more delicious than a bowl of flavored water. More filling too.

I am still uncomfortable, but doing alright otherwise. It slows me down a little, but Tylenol is quite helpful!

The lack of food to my system has really highlighted how my brain NEEDS nutrients to function. I was having trouble expressing my thoughts, the words that came out of my mouth weren’t always making sense. Avery was picking on me for it.

I lost my phone about a dozen times. I couldn’t focus on what I was doing, it was a significant and noticeable difference. My heart goes out to those that struggle with eating disorders. Not only for the obvious reasons, but I have got to imagine they are foggy headed. It is frustrating. My brain is starved of nutrition!

Avery went over to her work family’s house this afternoon/evening. We turned on law and order and it sucked myself, Paul and Ethan right in. Avery was not impressed with our choice of show when she arrived home. She bee lined for her room. The three of us were glued to the show wondering who was going to be found guilty.

I am so thankful that I can wear comfy pants tomorrow and I won’t have to wear pants that are tight on the sore spot in my gut. I am also thankful the sore spot isn’t a debilitating pain. I can still do things just resting in between chores.

Jiminy was festive today and I enjoyed how cute he looked. His little pig nose has captured my heart!

