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 I received the most wonderful surprise in the mail today. Tiny hands for each one of my fingers. Why is this wonderful you ask? It is a mystery. It is so stupid and funny. It has shared a good laugh with me.

I kind of love this game. I receive a fun and goofy item in the mail. Sometimes it is quite off color which is amazing too! Then have to guess who sent it to me. I love that someone took some time out of their day to look for something that would make me laugh. I imagine them sitting there wondering what I would say when opening it.

The flip side of this game is fun too. I see something I think is funny. I send it randomly to someone and let them guess who sent it. I chuckle at the thought of their face while opening it. Sharing smiles.

After work, I was motivated to downsize my collection of “stuff” Avery and I pulled up bins of stuff from the basement. I went through it and started making a pile for donations. The basement spilled into my kitchen cabinets and drawers. We are off to goodwill tomorrow to drop a bunch of stuff off.

I reached a point tonight where my body hurt. I laid down on the couch and Jiminy showered me with kisses. Not a bad day!


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