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 Today I had a follow up appointment with the colo-rectal surgeon. He was a pretty cool guy. I got him to agree to take care of the fight with the insurance company on my behalf, to get it covered by insurance.

He showed me pictures of my abcess and used words like “significant infection” and “I don’t think you need surgery.” Works for me.

He also explained that my lack of kidney really screws things up for a colonoscopy (which I will have done in March 😣). Apparently my colon has gone hog wild with all the roominess of having the kidney gone. Because of this, the colon moves into the space causing all sorts of new twists and turns and making a complete colonoscopy very difficult.

We then got into a good discussion about colon surgeries and if they test for leakage the same way in animals as they do people. The answer is NO! He described that they “blow CO2” into the colon to blow it up and see if it holds the gas. That sounds really creepy and invasive. I told him that with animals we have to manually blow on the animals buttholes, just to see how he reacted….but then told him I was kidding. He was pretty cool to talk to.

He spent too much time in with me as his PA knocked on the door and asked if she “could help with anything”. I told him that he better get going or he was going to piss his staff off. I know what that is like.

Ethan and I worked on updating his resume tonight for a little bit.  I am hoping he applies to other jobs this weekend. It would be so good for him.
